In June as we finished up school @ Pioneer we came to the decision to home school the boys next year. Yes, you heard me right HOME SCHOOL! Let me just say I NEVER wanted to home school our kiddos, NEVER. The thought did not cross my mind until I realized as they entered into full time school age David was home when they were at school and they were home when David was at work. This leaves for very little family time. So I prayed and felt confident that I could in fact home school our boys. David was the one on the fence. So I left it up to the Lord. Then one day he came home after talking with a co-worker whose family home schools and said " we should do it" . I thought to myself really? REALLY? You know that feeling you get when you realize you're pregnant? At first you're so excited then you think....what have I gotten myself into! Am I ready for this? Well that's how I felt anyway about both homeschooling and pregnancy!
It made all the end of the year stuff that much harder. Saying goodbye to friends. Finding out who their teachers would have been and who would have been in their classes. It still makes me feel kind of sad. The boys felt a little sad too, I think. They used to be totally for homeschooling. I think they thought we wouldn't have to work. Now that the boys have made good friends they think about missing them a bit more.
However, all that sadness was soon gone as the summer and warm weather rolled in! That's where I will leave off today and we'll see if I can sneak in some blog time again tomorrow!
Bye for now, oh yes,
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