OK let's see here...sign in to google, click Facts of our life, click New Post, and type!

I can do this. It's just that, well it's been a while since I blogged, so you see I'm not sure where to begin. Today though, I just feel compelled to sit down and catch myself up on where the past 3+months have gone.

So where were we, oh yes Soren turned 6! Then of course there was all that mayhem that comes in May & June. End of the year performances, teachers gifts, etc. etc. etc. (nice way to catch up huh?)

I must say I was in charge of Hawkin's teachers' gift and I was so excited about it. First off she was a fantastic teacher! FANTASTIC! Which of course made it easy to bless her. This was her first year teaching too so that made it easy as well.

My last post was in MAY!?!

I don't even know where to begin...or if I should...and if I do, can I make this fit into my life schedule? I mean I like blogging it's a fun way to record lifes adventures but I don't know if it's for me? It used to work just fine and now I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem to work. Could it be FB? Could that really zap my time, I believe it could but I'm not ready to blame my lack of blogging completely on FB. I think there are several factors.

...I was given my sugarbear!

You've always been so peaceful when you sleep.

Your smile lights up a room and is a gift to all whom you share it with.

You're my German baby, and a world traveler having already been to Italy, Austria, Norway & Switzerland! Though you probably don't remember it one bit.

above: touching Juliet's breast for good luck...or something.

below: Interlockin, Switzerland

You are generous & kind.

I love how you look up to your older brother.

You're sweet like sugar.

I can really shake em' down! Sorry I couldn't resist!

So I wasn't sure how to move on from such a tragic post. But then I realized, ETERNITY in HEAVEN is a pretty wonderful thing! If there's something to take from this tragedy it's to enjoy the time we are given and keep your focus eternal.

SO in lieu of words, which is seemingly my blogging style and since we got a new camera...! I'm going to post some pictures of us celebrating and enjoying the time we've been given.

Warning: This is may be sad, it is my recollection and feelings on the day David and Bridger Strong were killed in a car accident.

February 21st is also my brother Travis' birthday. I love him and he is such a special man with a great ability to inspire others.


You were such a cutie right from the start.

Perhaps that is why you stole all our hearts!

But it didn't take long before you began typical puppy "things"

like peeing, whinning, shedding, and CHEWING!

Again you are so sweet, "Wait...what's that I see in your mouth?"


OOO sometimes I swear I could just...!

Thanks for being pretty chill for a lab,

and being one of the

best friends the boys will ever have!

For going camping...

...and hiking...

...and just playing around...

* 10 Shredded Parmesan cheese from Costco* 9 Dog chew toys/bones

* 8 Legos

* 7 Milk

* 6 The Y

* 5 Facebook

* 4 Foam soap

* 3 Wii everything

*2 Starbucks

*1 Treasure Valley Coffee Co.

Until recently my blog has been inspired by the pictures I have taken of the 'this and that' happenings in our life. So you may know about the camera that was placed on the back of the suburban on Christmas day and you may know about it flying off the back (so sad) as I swung into Walmart to grab a few things (the day after Christmas). Therefor, until we replace our camera I've been taking pics with the Itouch given to us by Key Bank (thank you key bank). It's nice to have but just different.

Respiring? Is that a word you ask? If so, what does it mean? Well I'm pretty sure I made it up. I noticed as I reflected on some of my goals for 2010 I felt RE inspired to strive for some of them again in 2011 thus I am RESPIRED! Hey it's late ok.

So I think what I will do is just go through each of these and just RESPIRE them abit! :) In GREEN it's my new favorite color!

2010 it just sounds cool! 2011 is cool too, I like it.

Wow this time of year just flies by and when it's over you realize just how fast the entire year went! Our weeks and days before Christmas were filled with probably very similar things as most people and unfortunately I don't have pictures of all the memories, but I do have some.

For lack of writing creativity which has been in short supply this year I am going to highlight a few of moments that lead up to Christmas...

* David teaching the boys Jingle Bells Batman Smells.
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-a mother of three boys that will someday conquer the world.
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